Hello, I just bought a really nice computer off craigslist, and its OS Windows XP is in Chinese. How can I change it to english? Please help asap please. Also if you good provide examples of the charachters i need to look for that would be great. Thanks.CHANGE WINDOWS XP LANGUAGE CHIN-ENG?
Get the EN version of XP then reinstall the OS.CHANGE WINDOWS XP LANGUAGE CHIN-ENG?
If you enter the control panel, you should be able to find something normally marked %26quot;Language and Regional Options%26quot; or something.
In either the second or third tab there's an option for switching the language-- I believe it's the third.
Sorry I can't post screenshots; I normally don't bother switching to Chinese/East-Asian display, and I don't feel like doing it and uploading.CHANGE WINDOWS XP LANGUAGE CHIN-ENG?
You can't. The English and Chinese versions are different. You need to uninstall the Chinese OS, get hold of XP in English and install it instead.